Lead Identification

Lead identification involves leveraging advanced technology to track and analyze the IP addresses of website visitors.

What is Lead Identification?

Lead identification is the process of identifying potential customers who have shown interest in your products or services, helping your sales and marketing teams discover new prospects or monitor existing customers.

With our cutting-edge technology, gain valuable insights and uncover hidden opportunities for your company.

Traditional Marketing

We all know how it's working.

  • Make Campaigns
  • Target Audience
  • Get Impressions
  • Wait for conversion
  • Contact Leads

With Lead Identification

Start Immediately and never stop to find new leads.

  • Discover Leads in Real-Time
  • Get Insights of their Path on your Site
  • Find Patterns
  • Classify and Segment
  • Independent from ADV costs

Get more form your Marketing

With lead identification, take your marketing to new heights and achieve exceptional results that drive growth and revenue.


Attract potential customers through various marketing channels on your site.


Identify and classify them through our platform evaluating and determining quality.


Choose the right set of tools and strategies to nurture your prospects and recurring clients.


The goal is to successfully close deals but also to have satisfied customers on a long term period.

Explore More Applications

From uncovering hidden opportunities to enhancing your marketing efforts and gaining a competitive edge, our solution provides the tools you need to make informed decisions and achieve your sales goals.


Increase Sales

Engage with potential customers and convert more by identifying which companies are visiting your website.


Boost Marketing

Gain powerful insights to optimize your marketing strategy and ensure that your marketing is driving results.


Anticipate Competitors

Monitoring your competitors' activities allows you to anticipate their moves and make strategic decisions.

Start your free 15-days trial

Start seeing your leads and their habits with Geko's 15-day free trial. No commitment.